Collaborative Duo Hank and Fabian Schubert Have Fun at Plein Air Painting with Photo Series

Duo Hank Schmidt's der Beek and Fabian Schubert have been entertaining a project that brings together plein 
aerial photography since 2009, a humorous series of photographs taken by Schubert, who captured der Beek 
with his original paintings. In Der Beek, instead of painting the breathtaking landscape instead of Und im Sommer 
tu ich malen, which roughly translated the word Ben I and I Painted Summer ere to various places in Europe 
where painters such as Paul Cezanne, Claude Monet and Vincent Van Gogh inspired. painting pattern. At Der Beek, 
he proudly stands with a paintbrush at hand and looks at the stripe patterns that appear on his body and canvas. 
The works were exhibited in various solo and group exhibitions after the start of the project, but recently came 
together for the first time in a book published by Edition Taube. (Via It's Nice That)